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Forming teams to make disciples on African universities.

Basecamp: Campus Ministry Africa is developing teams to plant campus based disciple-making movements in the most strategic cities of Africa

Located in Maputo, Mozambique, this hub functions as a training program for those called to be a part of one of our pioneering teams. During a one year training we focus on five areas of development: spiritual formation, bible and theology, African culture and worldview, contextualized ministry skills, and missionary life and work. 

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Target Countries



Jesus gives us an incredible example of what’s possible when a life is poured out as a “living sacrifice” in worship; we were created to live lives of unceasing worship. We value God’s presence above all things, seeking to see Him influence every aspect of our being.


The Kingdom of God is made real on Earth through families of Jesus followers. We live with love as our greatest lens through which to view everything. In mutual love, submission, transparency, and service, Basecamp seeks to be a family above all things.


We are convinced that Jesus’ method of transforming this world and establishing his Kingdom is through disciple-making movements. We proclaim the Kingdom and make disciples among the spiritually hungry wherever we go.

Q & A

If you are interested in being a part of Basecamp Campus Ministry, please take time to read through the following questions and answers. We hope they will bring clarity and stir excitement about how God can use YOU as a campus missionary in Africa! 

  • Assemblies of God World Missions


  • All friends who have ALSO gone through the approval process are welcome. Pets must be discussed and approved by your basecamp leaders beforehand.

  • Placement after Basecamp will be decided through individual prayer and discussion with your Basecamp leaders. Your Basecamp leaders, along with AGWM leadership, will have final approval. This is done with the intention of helping you to choose the most healthy and fruitful placement.

  • We believe campus ministry is the most strategic way to reach Africa. University students, especially those in African nations, will be their countries' next decision makers. These future doctors, lawyers, teachers, and politicians WILL change their nation. Through discipleship we believe these students can influence their home countries with the gospel, transforming them in a way that reflects the kingdom of God.

  • In order to pioneer or participate in campus ministry anywhere in Africa, completing a one year Basecamp training is required by AGWM.

  • If you have a heart specifically for campus ministry in Africa, then Basecamp Campus Ministry is for you. Come with the desire to see Africa transformed through the discipleship of university students, and we believe God will make your next steps clear.

  • Basecamp Campus Ministry is only a requirement for those who desire to do campus ministry in Africa specifically. If you are passionate about another type of ministry (i.e. childrens ministry, building tabernacles, etc.) then Basecamp Campus Ministry is not for you. If you are interested in pursuing other opportunities in Africa with AGWM go to: https://www.iwanttobeamissionary.com

  • During Basecamp you will be living in the capital city of Maputo, Mozambique. Physical living arrangements will be made once you are on the ground in Mozambique.

  • Basecamp will be a one year of training in which you will spend time learning and growing heavily both through experience, and topical learning through books/resources. The primary focus will be on:

    -Language learning

    -Making Disciples among college students

    - Spiritual development and theology

    - African culture and worldview

    -Practical and contextualized ministry skills to help you in future ministry

  • Language learning will be a vital part of your Basecamp training. While language learning before landing in your host country (Mozambique) will not be required, it will be required once you are in the country.

  • Portuguese is the primary language spoken in Mozambique.

  • Basecamp leaders:

    Matt and Andrea Marlin

    and team members:

    Zach and Olivia Rice

    Our staff team consists of Mozambicans as well as Americans. Each year we also have a group of Mozambican interns who have given a year to learn how to be campus missionaries; this functions very similarly to the Chi Alpha CMIT program.

  • -Completion of a 1 year CMIT through an approved Chi Alpha


    -18 years old or older

    -US Citizenship

    - Actively involved in a church

    -Interested specifically in campus ministry in Africa

  • Through the CMIT program “missionaries will develop the character, capacity, team chemistry, Chi Alpha culture, and competencies needed to reconcile students to Christ” (chialpha.com). We believe the culture/values gained through the CMIT program are a necessary foundation for understanding and learning how to become a campus missionary before Basecamp.

  • Once you are approved to apply for and participate in Basecamp you will be given a budget that you will fundraise for before coming.




We need you to pray for the students and missionaries who will lead Africa into the future.

Come with us

We need you to come with us. If God is calling you, connect with a team member for more information by clicking here


We need your help. Join us financially and invest in the future of Africa. Africa’s greatest hope is in leaders who are following Jesus. To directly support Basecamp: Campus Ministry Africa, click here.